Zhaga Certified Products Database
The Zhaga product database offers an overview of all Zhaga certified products. You can search for products by the Zhaga Book number (Overview), the type of Zhaga certification, the company name and the product type (see further information). You can also enter the product name in the search function.
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Luminaires that have received Zhaga-D4i certification, have been certified as product family in general. However, the certification needs to be verified for the individual product by looking for the Zhaga-D4i logo on the product or in communications material or by checking with the manufacturer.
If you click on details you will find further product related information and you can download the certificate granting the right to use the related certification logos in relation to products that have passed the tests by the Authorized Test Centers.
Tridonic OTD PRE3
Product General Informations
Book 24-Programming of luminaire components using NFC
Brand Name
Type of Zhaga Certification
Company Name
Zumtobel Group AG
Product Type
NFC Programmable Device
Product Designator
LCO 40/200-1050/58 2xCH pD+ NF C PRE3;
LCO 80/200–1050/91 2xCH pD+ NF C PRE3;
LCO 120/200–1050/182 2xCH pD+ NF C PRE3
Certification Date
Mar 26, 2024
Product Attributes