
Book 18 "Zhaga-D4i" Certification

Book 18 Ed 3.0 with Zhaga D4i


Certify Your Zhaga-D4i Product in 3 Easy Steps


Design your product according to Book 18.

The Book also contains the test criteria that will be used by the Authorized Test Centers for verification purposes.

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Remember, to apply for certification your company must be a Zhaga regular or associate level member (or subsidiary of a member company).

Become a Zhaga member today!

After having reviewed the Zhaga Logo License Terms and Conditions, the member signs the Zhaga Logo License Agreement and, if applicable, the D4i Logo Sublicense Agreement.


You’re ready for testing! Consult one of our Authorized Test Centers for information on testing procedures and the quoting process. Remember, the test center must be accredited for the Book that your product is seeking certification from. See test centers per Book.


Choose the lab you want to work with and submit your product for testing. After testing is completed, the lab will send you a notice on whether the product complied. If the product complies, you can create your certificate directly on the Zhaga website. The product will also be listed on Zhaga’s Product Database.

If a product does not comply, take the necessary steps to update the product and then resubmit it for testing.


Details on the certification process can be found in the individual book pages and are described below.

When submitting your product for testing, you might also need to hand over Letters of Confirmation (LoC). See details in the specification.


In the following, the Zhaga-D4i certification is explained in detail for Book 18 Zhaga-D4i Nodes and Luminaires. Download the documents here.


Zhaga D4i Certification Process Modules February 2022


Zhaga D4i Certification Process Luminaires February 2022